Radioactive Waste Storage
Joseph Oat Corporation is a prime fabricator of Radioactive Fuel and Waste Canisters and Containers for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, Department of Energy, NNSA, EM, and their Prime Contractors. We have also supplied safety related Canisters, Casks, Containers and Cans to the national laboratories for interim storage, transportation and cleanup projects.
We specialize in fabricating D.O.E. 10CFR71 Certified Packages, High Level Waste Shipping Canisters, Type B (M) & Type B (M) F Canisters, Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters (Overpacks), Containment Systems, Burial Casks, Dry Storage Casks, and Low Level Waste Canisters. We have supplied equipment for the following high visibility projects such as Yucca Mountain Project, Hanford, First Energy’s Beaver Valley Nuclear, Savannah River, Oak Ridge, Rocky Flats, INL, Three Mile Island Cleanup, and The Spallation Neutron Source Project.
Whether you’re looking for a prototype or a production run, our team has the expertise and capabilities to work together to meet your requirements. Please contact our sales team at to discuss your requests.